⚣♡+: Some graphic erotica. ⚣♡++: Heavy graphic erotica.
⚣✟♡: No erotica; romantic and religious themes. ⚣✟♡+: Some graphic erotica; romantic and religious themes.
Black Cat Revolution

I: Totally A(ndrei)sexual & Other feelings ♂♂

The Locust Tree
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♂ Welcome to Kaamari Writes Boylove! ♂

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Tuesday, 26 November 2019

The MaNa (Theo)ry & Other Addictions - Chapter Twenty: in which our heroes find their happy endings

Warning: 18+ readers only; this blog is dark and full of terrors!
(Strong & suggestive language, and scenes of a very sexy nature! Turn back now while you can!)


     I started this morning with a bang.
     On my door, of course.
     "Guess what day it is!" Tamaki yelled.  
     I hauled myself from my cosy bed and made my way to open the door.  "I know what day it is."
     "That's right. It's your birthday!" 
     He thrust a crudely wrapped package against my chest. 
     "This is for you."
     "Thank you.  Can I go back to sleep now?"  He was still in his pyjamas, looking as if he'd only just dragged himself from his bed.
     "But you need to open your present!"
     I felt it briefly.  "It's a six-pack."
     "Yeah but you need to open it to find out which six-pack."
     I rolled my eyes at him.  He'd bought me the same beer every year since I turned eighteen, so I didn't need to open it to find out.  But I humoured him, letting him follow me back into my room, his eyes watching me eagerly as I unveil six cans of cheap Polish beer from the off-licence across the road.
     "Okay, I promise I have something else for you," he said excitedly, noting my ever-feined surprise.  "But you'll not get it until tonight."
     "So you woke me up at eight in the morning to give me the beer?"
     "I'm just excited to give you your other present!  It was a joined effort between Nana and me."
     My face must've lit up at the mention of my love because Tamaki raised his eyebrow and shook his head at me.  
     "How are things going with you guys?"
     I couldn't stop myself smiling.  Things have been going surprisingly well, regardless of Andrei's somewhat revealing outburst the weekend before.  We hadn't been on any official dates, in an attempt to keep our relationship quiet for a while. So instead, we'd hide away in bedrooms and take advantage of any time alone, even during band practice when we both went to fetch the beer. Tamaki had even pretended not to notice that it took us half an hour to do so, ignoring Amber's "Did they fly to France to get it freshly brewed" comments.
     And even though we'd found some time and space together, we hadn't gone any further than "almost". And it wasn't for my lack of trying.  In normal circumstances, I could understand a week being way too soon for that; however, ours were not normal, given it's been nearly a whole season since we first kissed.  And "almost" was happening too often. Every time, Nana would pull away just as his hands began to wander, and he'd apologise for being overeager, even though I obviously didn't mind. I would have happily let him take me on the kitchen counter during our beer excursion.
     Last night, we had done a short gig at a quiet club in town.  It was slightly smaller to what we were used to, and we'd played acoustically.  Amber had spent the hour making friends at the bar, drinking Sprite and cheering us on like a fan.  He'd only really come to help with setting up, bringing the guitars in his van.  After we had finished playing, Tamaki went to join him at the bar, leaving Nana and me to put the equipment back in the vehicle.
"I'd be mad if there weren't only three guitars to put back," Nana said after we'd finished moving the amps into the back.  Amber had recently had it carpeted, making it a cosy spot to double as an on-the-road emergency practice and band meeting area.  Of course, it was much more spacious this time because pieces of Amber's drums weren't rolling everywhere.  
     "Let's rest for a minute," I suggested, taking water from the shopping bag filled with bottles of Avian and sat on the floor of the van.
     "I don't know why you're resting. I did most of the lifting."  Nana stuck his tongue out at me and closed the back doors before sitting down next to me.  He ran his hands over the soft blue carpet.  "It's quite nice. Very comfortable."
     And as was custom now whenever Nana and I were alone, he pulled me close to him and before I could even hesitate - not that I would - we were lying on the floor, Nana provocatively positioned between my legs.
After a few minutes of breathtakingly hot kissing, he began moving down my neck, pulling my sweater over my shoulder.  I accidentally let out a quiet moan as I felt his undeniable erection against me, and found my hands roaming towards it.
     And then he was rolling off me before I could grasp anything.
"Sorry, I got a bit overzealous," he said, trying to regulate his breathing.  I said nothing, wallowing in rejection.
     It was awkwardly silent as I sat up, not looking over at him.  Finally, I spoke.  "Why do you keep doing that?"
     I thought maybe he'd ask what I mean, and I'd have to explain, but he just looked at me, frustrated.
     "Do you really want our first time to be in the back of a van, or on your dads' kitchen counter, where anyone could walk in?"
     I avoided mentioning I'd already done it in the back of this van, several times, and before it had carpet.  So instead, to ease the tension, I decided making a joke would be a good idea.
     "I hate to tell you this, but I've had sex before."
     Nana rolled his eyes at me.  "You know what I meant. It sounds really cheesy but like... it should be nicer.  Like in bed."  He edged his way closer to me.  "I've never done anything with someone I really like before, let alone someone I love.  I'm kind of nervous."
     I leant my head on his shoulder, trying to ignore the fact he'd rejected me on a bed before too.  "I'm sorry."
     "Like, it's not that I don't want to - trust me, I really want to - I just want it to be less... in a van."
     "Yeah, I get it," I replied sighing.  And then I let out a moan, burying my face in Nana's shoulder.  "I'm just frustrated."  
     Nana laughed.  "Believe me, I am as well."
     We decided then to join Amber and Tamaki, after making sure neither of us looked suspiciously dishevelled. 
     Of course, Tamaki doesn't know any of this.  He has probably wrongly assumed that we've barely put our clothes on since I got my fixture removed.  He left me with my beer after my brief answer of "Yeah, it's going well."
The rest of the day was spent eating various meals with my family and receiving ridiculous gifts like a new guitar, and keys to the flat that Pops is having renovated in time for next Spring.  So when nine p.m came around, I was pretty excited to get to the pub.

     But now I'm here, all I feel is apprehension.
     Nana greets me somewhat restrained.  "Happy birthday!" he says, giving me a careful man-hug.  "I'll give you your gift later," he then whispers in such a way I can't stop myself blushing.
     I can see in his eyes that it's difficult for him to control his body language like it is for me and soon he leaves me with Tamaki and Amber.  We make our way to our booth in the corner which Fox has kindly reserved for us, and Nana brings over three bottles of beer and places one in front of each of us.
     "Are you not joining us?" Amber asks.  "I thought you were off tonight."
     Nana glances to Tamaki briefly.  "I am, I've just got to do a couple of things."
     Amber narrows his eyes.  "Right."
     Nana smirks at me before moving back to the bar and then darting out the door.
     "Have you two planned something and not included me?"  Amber asks Tamaki, still glaring.  
     My brother blushes, looking guilty.  "It's something for Maki."
     "I'm really concerned," I say.  Amber doesn't know?  Now I'm panicking. 
     "I'm excited!" Tamaki says, tapping his hands on the table.
     Amber and I exchange looks before sipping our beers.
     By the time we've finished the bottles, Nana still hasn't returned.  I make my way to the bar, noticing Panda and Dora at the other end.  When Panda sees me, he prances over.
     "Happy birthday, sweetie!" He chirps, hugging me.  "Did you get anything fancy?"  
     "You could say that," I say, looking around to see if Nana is back.  Panda gestures for Dora to get drinks for my table.  "You should join us.  Nana will be back soon, I imagine."
     Dora places two tall glasses of some kind of clear beverage in front of us and moves to take another two the same over to Tamaki and Amber.  "Oh yeah, he said he was meeting someone at the train station or something?"
Panda scowls at him as he walks past us.  "Ssssh!"
     "Who?" I can feel myself turning white.  "Who is Nana meeting?"
     "Don't look so horrified!  It's someone I know you'll want to see."
     I look over at my table, trying to catch Tamaki's eye, and Panda touches my arm.  "There's Nana."
My eyes follow Panda's gaze.  Nana is walking towards me and following him is Sen.
     Oh no.
     "Maki, here is your gift!" Nana says excitedly, holding his arm out to present my ex-lover to me.
     Sen smiles at me, sheepishly waving.  "Hi."
I think my heart has stopped.  I can't even pretend to be happy.  Sen is the last person I want to see.  I look pleadingly across the room at Tamaki, who is grinning and giving me the thumbs-up, while Amber seems like he wants to be sick.
     "I'll leave you two to catch up!" Nana drags Panda away, and I can hear the latter expressing concern at how unhappy I look.
     "I don't even know what to say," I say, attempting to look at Sen properly.
     He blushes, ruffling his hand over his messy blonde hair.  "I wanted to see you."
     I study him; his hair has been cut too short for tying up in the bun it was usually contained in, but other than that he hasn't changed.  His eyes are still as warm, his face kind and soft as it always was. The only different thing is how I feel when I look at him.   
     "There's a lot of stuff I didn't say before I left," he says, edging closer to me.  His hand gently strokes my arm.  "I'm sorry for what happened."
     My stomach flips in fear as I step back, afraid someone will see him touch me.  "Don't."
     "Maki, I know I handled things wrong, and shouldn't have treated you how I did.  I've regretted it every day."
I can feel myself getting angry, and I don't know if I can mask it.  My fists clench as I turn to lean on the bar.
     "I thought if I came to see you, you might..." Sen pauses, and I meet his gaze.  "Forgive me."
     I bite my lip.  "I'd already forgiven you."
     "Really? I'm forgiven?"
     "Yes.  And forgotten."
     I watch his face fall as he attempts to move closer to me.  "You said you loved me."
     I glare at him.  "I did.  But I don't anymore."
     "Because of Amber?"
     "I can't have this conversation with you.  What's the point?  To dredge up the past?  I'm over it."  I move to walk away from him, but he grabs my arm.
     "I want us to get back together."
     "We weren't together in the first place."  I sigh.  "I feel nothing for you.  I hated you for a long time and loved you for even longer before that.  But now I don't feel anything.  So why don't you go speak to Tamaki? He's the only person here who actually wants to talk to you."
     I go to look over and notice Amber is nowhere to be seen.  I don't watch Sen walk towards the table and instead turn to down my drink, barely even tasting whatever is in it. 
     "Maki, are you okay?"


     I place my hand on Maki's shoulder.  When he doesn't answer me, I tug on his arm.  "Hey."
     He looks at me, his face almost green.  "I know you meant well, but that was the worst gift ever."
     "What?" I feel my eyes grow wide.  "Tamaki said you missed Sen."
     "I despise Sen."
     Maki looks so distressed I want to take him in my arms, but I know I shouldn't.  Instead, I move slightly closer, touching my hand against his subtly.  "Why?  I thought --"
     "Trust me, whatever you thought is the complete opposite of the truth." He bites down on his lip. "Sen and I were never... just friends."
     I stare at him in silence for a few seconds. "What do you mean?" I ask, knowing exactly what he means but hoping I'm wrong.
     "We, um..." Maki looks away from me, his hand coming to his forehead. "I don't even know what to call it. Before he was with Amber, he was... with me. Repeatedly. Like, a lot."
     I feel my heart stop.  "Why has no one told me this?"
Maki looks around cagily.  "No one knows, that's why.  We weren't exactly open about it."
     I swallow, almost able to hear my dry throat contract. "For how long?"
     "Five years or something."
     Fuck.  "How is that even possible?" I whisper.
     "I don't know, it started when I was fifteen, and then suddenly he was in love with Amber."
     I can't believe what I'm hearing.  "I'm sorry, is this some kind of really fucked up joke?"
     "I wish."
     "Do you still like him?"  As soon as I've said it, I wish I hadn't as I watch Maki's face crumble.
     "Of course, I don't!"
     "I'm sorry, I --"
     "How can you even ask me that?"
     "Then why didn't you tell me before?"
     "Because he doesn't matter, that's why!"  Maki turns away from me.  "For fuck's sake. That's why I told him to get lost right now when he tried to get me back."
     "He what?"
     "Yeah. So don't fucking ask me that again," Maki snaps, not looking at me.
     "I'm sorry." I put my hand on his back and bring my lips to his ear.  "I'm sorry," I say again, in a whisper.
     "Nana, people will see."
     My fingers find their way into his hair.  "I don't care."
     He looks at me sceptically.  "You want to make Sen jealous, don't you?"
     "A little."
     Maki rolls his eyes, smirking.  "You really want everyone to know? And for this of all reasons?"
     I turn my head to see if Sen is looking before placing both hands on Maki's waist, pressing my body against his. "Yep."
     With his hands on my neck, Maki pulls my face, bringing our lips together.  It's a slow but sweet kiss, unlike our usual heat-fuelled embraces.  I can feel him smile as we listen to Panda yell across the room, "I knew it!" But it just makes me hold Maki tighter.  Eventually, he wriggles free to glance around us.
     "You bastard," I hear from behind the bar.  Dora places two beers down in front of us not entirely gently and utters, "Now I owe Panda twenty quid."
     Maki lets out a laugh as Dora walks away, and we decide to brave the tension of the booth.
     "You guys could have warned me," Tamaki says as we sit down.  I immediately note the missing Sen and Amber.
     "Where is everyone?  Did we scare them off?" Maki asks, his eyes scanning the bar.
     "Amber bolted as soon as he saw Sen." Tamaki looks away.  "I didn't really think about it when I asked him to come."
     Maki looks pained.  "Where's Sen?  Did he go to find Amber?"
     "I don't know.  He looked utterly horrified when you guys decided to mount each other, and excused himself."
     "Oh." Maki takes a long breath.  "I think I'll stay at the house tonight."
     Tamaki sighs.  "But I thought you, Sen and me --"
     "Honestly, Tamaki, I'm not in the mood for reminiscing."
     I look at Maki, attempting telepathy; You should tell him.
He looks back at me and shrugs with frustration, apparently knowing what I'm trying to say.  I give him a look again.
     "Tamaki," he says to his brother.  "Please don't be mad at me.  It was just a shock to see him.  I'm still upset about... Amber."
     I roll my eyes but decide to keep my mouth shut.
     "It's okay.  But I think Dad and Pops have already left for the weekend, so you'll be on your own."
     Maki shrugs.  "That's fine."
     A few minutes later, Amber reappears.
     "Did Sen find you?" Tamaki asks as Amber slides in next to him.
     "Yeah... we spoke for a bit.  He tried to kiss me.  I told him to fuck off."  But then he smiles triumphantly.  "It felt great."
     Maki laughs expressionlessly.  "Good for you."
     "Did I miss anything while I was gone?"
     Tamaki looks across the table, eyeing Maki and me. "Oh, definitely."
     Amber looks to each of us. "What? Are you guys keeping secrets again? Because I'm still feeling nauseated after the last one."
     Tamaki raises his eyebrows. "Well?"
     "You tell him," Maki mumbles, nudging me with his elbow.
     I watch Amber as he brings a bottle of beer to his lips.
     "Maki's a superb kisser."
     Once again, Amber nearly spits his poorly timed sip all over the table but manages to choke it down, while Maki covers his face in embarrassment.
     "Not that!" he cries into his palms, while Amber recovers.
     "Oh, gross," Tamaki says, recoiling in disgust.
     "Sorry, is that not what I was meant to tell him?"
     "Are you talking about that weird fanservice kiss?" Amber laughs. "Or is that why it took you so long to get the beer the other night? Oh my God... oh my God, it all makes sense now!"
     I can't help grinning at everyone; Maki hiding his face in flustered shame, Tamaki still looking vaguely disgusted, and Amber holding his hands to his cheeks.
     "I thought it was weird that you were spending so much time together after the accident."
     After an hour of merriment and Amber in a state of wonderment at the thought of Maki and I being a couple, Sen reappears to collect Tamaki's door key, but they decide to leave together.  Amber sits with us until he's sure Sen is far enough away before making his goodbyes.
     "I guess I should probably get to the house soon," Maki says sighing.
     "Won't you be lonely?"
     "Nah, I'll just sit in the studio for a bit."
     "But..." I nudge Maki's knee under the table. "Won't it be boring, being all alone in such a big house?"
Maki shrugs. "I'm sure I'll be okay. I've been alone in the house loads of times."
     I stare at him and nudge his knee again. "Wouldn't you prefer it if someone else was there?"
     He shakes his head. "I'm pretty sure one of the housekeepers will be there."
     I move my hand to his thigh. "Wouldn't you prefer it if I was there with you?"
     He turns his head. "Oh. Oh, you mean..."
     I nod, and lean in, touching his lips with mine gently. "If you want me to, like."
     Maki blinks before grabbing his phone. "I'll call for a car."
     By the time we're tumbling into the back of the limousine Maki's called for, I've stopped being able to control myself. The driver immediately puts the screen up, and I'm pulling Maki on top of me and praying the car doesn't stop suddenly. My hands trail their way down his body, wishing I could tear his clothes off as I pull at his hips. It's the quickest journey to the house ever, and I'm already burning under my jeans when the car stops, and Maki drags me out, into his house, up the stairs and into his room.
    I feel like I have tunnel vision. We could be in any room because I don't even take notice of my surroundings as I press Maki against the closed door. My fingers grope at his belt buckle as his nails scratch at my back under my t-shirt, and I feel so hot I think I might burst through my pants.
   Maki's mouth trails up my neck, sending my skin into a tingling frenzy as I feel his tongue at my ear. I tear off his t-shirt admiring his body before showering his skin with kisses, thinking about how long I've wanted to touch those little stars with my lips, and he guides me towards the bed by my hips. I can feel a rigidness in my pants that's dangerously burning as I pull my shirt off and move to finish undressing Maki, peeling his tight jeans over his legs. 
  By the time I've fumbled with my trousers and crawled on top of Maki, he's devouring me with his tongue, and I can feel myself getting too excited just from his kiss. 
   I'm so unprepared for this. I'm going to blow my load in seconds, and he's going to hate our first time having sex.
   I tense, grudgingly pulling away from his mouth.
   "What's wrong?" he asks, breathless.
   I look at him, as he gazes at me with confused eyes. "Uh..."
   I can't tell him. I can't tell him I've not had sex since I was seventeen. I just can't.
   "Nana, are you okay?"
   "I've not had sex for eight years," I blurt out.  What the fuck is wrong with me...
   Maki gawks at me, his legs still firmly wrapped around my waist. I'm still hard as a rock, only now it feels a little awkward.
   "Is that why you've been... uneasy?" He smiles a little.
   "Probably." I can feel my face burning. He's not going to want to touch me ever again, now... "Sorry."
   Maki licks his lips a little, making my stomach shiver. I feel his hands gently slipping under my boxers, his fingertips only slightly grazing me yet making me tremble regardless. "Well, it should be fun for you then."
   I slowly pull away, seemingly no longer in control of myself. I cautiously slide off Maki's pants trying not to look at anything, before my own. I shouldn't be this nervous...
  I lean over him again, this time entwining our bodies further as I slowly guide myself inside him. I try to think of everything but Maki and his nakedness and how hot he looks with his hair flowing over the pillow, his eyes sleepy and his lips begging me to kiss them. But all I can do is hide my face and ravage his neck, and pray.
  I feel his nails graze down my back as he moans into my ear, sending shivers all over me, and I don't think I'm going to last much longer.
   I don't think he understands what my problem is, but as I can feel myself getting close much too quickly, I think he's about to.
   And then I hear his voice in an intense whisper. "Nana... I love you."
   Just the sound of my name on his lips is enough to send me cascading off the edge. I feel my entire body tense as I come, hard.
   "Fuck!" I cry out, both in passion and in frustration.
   I wait for my senses to regroup before I look at Maki's face.
   "I'm sorry," I say, embarrassed.
   He looks at me, sleepily, his eyes still filled with desire. "Why?"
   I bury my face in his neck. "Because."
   He giggles. "I'll take it as a compliment."


     It takes a couple of weeks for everything to apparently go back to normal after That Night.
      Once Nana and Maki leave the bar (after making their slightly distasteful display), Ren swans in with Number One. I'm surprised to see them both together.
     My brother and I lock eyes, rather uncomfortably. His scowl is as dark as mine is typically, but I don't feel like glaring at him today. I feel myself smile at him.
     "You came?"
     He blinks at me, obviously taken aback by my sincerity. "Yeah... I think we need to talk." 
     I stare at him. "Do we?"  
     Ren looks between us, seeming afraid of Number One. He gestures to Fox for three beers. "How about we just... drink instead?"
     My brother looks at him, slight disdain in his gaze. "Really? Do you think that'll solve our problems?"
     Panda floats over from the other end of the bar with his drink, appearing like a spectre like he tends to do. "I think that's a great idea."
     "Where's Andrei?" I ask him softly.  
     "He's coming. Amber took him shopping earlier, so he'll be joining us in a little while."
      I smile. "Then... let's drink before Andrei gets here. Because after that, I'm on the orange juice."
     "It's sweet how you're pretending to be sober with him," Panda snorts. "Do you really think he won't smell the beer on you?"
      As if on cue, Fox appears with two bottles. "Hey, I'm not drinking, so you can't drink either."
      I gawk at her. "That's not fair! Just because he's not allowed to drink, doesn't mean I shouldn't be..."
     Number One looks away awkwardly as Ren slides around the bar. I look up at him, already blushing just at him being near me. 
      Can you see it? Can you see me slowly disintegrating? I'm ceasing to be. I don't feel like myself now. Well, I'm still myself, just different; a self that doesn't force feelings to a halt or lock away the desire to be close to someone. Why Ren, though? Why's he so special? And why me? Why has he chosen me? I wish I knew. But maybe I don't. Perhaps it's okay to just... wonder.
     I glance at him as he casually leans against me bringing his arm around my shoulders, nudging my head with his nose, unconcerned about our friends dotted around us, their eyes subtly darting at us just for a second, knowing smirks on their lips. He's not the slightest bit bothered.
      And neither am I.
      I'm no longer the Dora Kikuchi I once was.


      Ten months later...

      A young boy hops off the train coming in from York. He runs towards his older cousin, dragging along a large suitcase, his backpack bouncing on his back. He hugs the long-legged and elegant vampire waiting for him, his face almost smothered by the taller boy's collar bones.
      "Oh Peaches, I have so much to tell you," the boy's cousin says. He takes the suitcase, and they make their way out of the station. 
      They exchange excited pleasantries until they finally arrive at the apartment.
     "Panda, is this really where you live?" Peaches says. He's been looking forward to moving to London since his cousin's University accepted him to start after the summer.
      "It's where you live too, now," Panda replies with a broad smile. "Your room is on the right, there. I'll make us some tea, and you can get settled."
      They meet back in the front room five minutes later, with two steaming cups of Earl Grey tea in their hands.
      "Ma told me about Nana's engagement," Peaches remarks, blowing on the hot liquid. "It's safe to say we were all shocked."
      "Trust me; no one was as shocked as we were."
       Peaches has arrived in town just in time! His oldest cousin, Nana, is having his engagement party at Black Cat, and it will be Peaches's first time meeting all his cousins' friends.
       Panda's boyfriend picks them up at eight p.m to take them to the party. Peaches can't help looking at Ichiro's face. He can't believe Panda has found such a good looking guy to date, and he hopes that one day he'll look something like that. Ichiro is polite and charming, and Peaches can see what Panda sees in him.
      They arrive at the party a little late because of traffic, but Nana doesn't care. He embraces Peaches tightly.
     "I've missed you, little guy!" he coos (even though Peaches is a bit taller), ruffling the boy's lilac hair. "You look more like us every time we see you, I swear."
      He gives Peaches an orange and mango soft drink and takes him around the room, introducing him to everyone. Peaches is shocked by how many friends his cousins have; not because he thinks they don't deserve them, but because in York, there isn't even close to this many cool people.  But I guess this is London, Peaches thinks.

      Nana didn't think he'd say Yes. He'd been so sure of it, leading right up to the moment. The ring had been in his jacket pocket for weeks, and Nana had put off asking the question that went with it. He'd planned to propose over a romantic candlelit dinner, with roses and champagne and all that stereotypical nonsense, but every time he brought up having a night in, he'd get blown off.
      "I can't, I have rehearsals at the theatre."
      "Come on, please," Nana begged him. "Surely you can blow it off for one night... I want a night alone together."
      His boyfriend rolled his eyes. "I can't not go... I don't trust my understudy at all."
      "You're at rehearsals every other bloody night!" Nana could hear the anger in his voice escaping, as his boyfriend looked on at him in shock.
     "You should have asked me sooner."
     "I've been trying to make plans with you all month, but you never have time." Nana reached in his jean's pocket for his cigarettes, while his boyfriend continued to stare at him. "My lighter is in my jacket," he said, pointing at the coat rack next to his love. "Could you pass it to me?"
     Nana sat down moodily, awaiting his lighter until he heard a gasp.
     "Oh my God..."
     He turned, watching his boyfriend with the small black box in his hand.
     "Is... is this for me?"
     Nana stood abruptly, feeling a wave of annoyance at himself wash over. "Shit, you weren't supposed to find that."
     His boyfriend looked panicked. Nana took the box from his hands, stared at it for a second before kneeling down.
    "I'd planned something much nicer than this," he said. "Much like every other important thing I've ever told you, this isn't how I intended to ask." Nana took a deep breath. "Let me finish talking before you say anything. I'll be damned if I don't at least get to say my speech."
     His boyfriend nodded, his face pale.
     "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Ever since I first saw you, you entranced me, and I only grew more captivated by you as time went on. I first realised I loved you a year ago, and it took me too long to tell you. And I know I say all the time how much I regret making you wait for me."
     Nana watched the tears cascade down his beautiful lover's cheeks.
      "But I don't think I can ever forgive myself. And I don't want to make you wait another second. So..." He opened the box. "Makiato Taylor-Rose, will you please, for the love of God, marry me, so I can grow old with you, and listen to you sing for the rest of my life?"
      He could almost hear the two letters before Maki had even opened his mouth.  N. O.
     But Maki didn't say anything, only nodded his head as the tears fell and he tried to wipe them away.
    "Yes?" Nana said, sounding almost confused.
    Maki nodded again. "Yes."
     Nana couldn't control his smile as he took the ring from the box and placed in on Maki's shaking hand. It was a beautiful ring, a white-gold band, engraved with "Kiss me awake until I die" around the outside, and it fitted him perfectly.
     And now, as Nana is introducing Maki to his little cousin, he can't believe he's so lucky.

     Peaches thinks Maki is beautiful but at the same time a little scary. His face is porcelain like a doll, his long black hair coming past his shoulders, and honestly, he reminds Peaches of every Japanese horror film ghost he's ever seen. Nana was right; he's like Sadako.
      Nana then introduces Peaches to Dora, who is Ichiro's little brother. He used to be Nana's flatmate before Nana and Maki got their own flat, and now Dora lives with Ichiro.  

      Dora didn't know how to feel when Nana told him months ago he'd be moving out. First off, he was gutted because he wouldn't be able to afford the rent on his own and then was even more gutted because he'd miss living with Nana. And then he felt happy because he knew it was the right way to be, even if it meant moving in with his brother.
      Dora still wasn't used to Ichiro being in a relationship with a boy, even if that boy was Panda, who was the prettiest boy he'd ever met. Although Dora had known about their relationship since last summer, he was still struggling to come to terms with it. And now he was living with Ichiro, it wasn't as if he could ignore it. Luckily, Ichiro's flat is a vast three-bedroom affair with plenty of living space. He even got to pick his out furniture for his new room.
      Since last summer, Dora has been in an on-off relationship with Ichiro's best friend from University. The only reason it's on-off is that Dora likes to blow hot and cold on a whim, and will periodically call things off for a few weeks. But every time, he will call Ren up apologising, and Ren takes him back. That's because Ren loves him, and won't admit it. Dora argues with himself whether he loves Ren back, but he will forever be in denial about that.

      Peaches struggles to remember all of Nana's friend's information as they move on to a red-headed boy who looks like he could a punk mermaid, with his long waves cascading over his shoulder, one side shaved short. He's sitting at the bar next to Dora talking to the pretty tanned girl - who he learns is called Fox, which Peaches thinks is very apt because she's undoubtedly as fierce-looking as one. His name is Andrei, and he puts down his bottle of apple juice as soon as Nana and Peaches turn to speak to him.
     He seems very pleasant and chatty, and Peaches immediately likes him.

     Andrei was not a nice person. He was not someone who should have had friends. In fact, he could have been considered downright evil. He knew this, but he didn't stop. He enjoyed it. He wasn't always so dastardly, but jealousy can make a Beast out of anyone, and Andrei was never much of a Belle before.
     It took a very long time for Dora to forgive him, and Andrei knew damn well he didn't deserve it. After the hospital had released Andrei for severe alcohol poisoning and a shallow stab wound, he didn't go to the bar for a long time. He had a lot of time to reflect on how he had treated everybody. But mostly, how he had treated Dora. Andrei couldn't believe he'd turned into such a monster, so possessive and abusive. He hated himself for what he'd become, and how far he'd let it go. 
     It was a slow ascent after that, but soon, Andrei felt himself become healthy again as he'd been before Harringly. He stopped regularly drinking - saving his one a month for special occasions only. He gave up smoking both legal and illegal substances and only took the pills he was supposed to. He no longer urged for promiscuity, and after a few weeks, he was back to going home with Dora. Except, now they would go back to Ichiro's place where Andrei could sleep on an actual bed, and Ichi would bring them tea in the morning, and Andrei would never be hungover.

      Peaches feels disappointed when Nana moves on to someone else, as he's enjoying chatting to Andrei about school as they are starting the same classes after the summer break.  
      He's then introduced to Nana's other bandmates, Amber and Tamaki, as well as Tamaki's girlfriend - a beautiful blonde, petite and stylish. There are also two older men: Maki and Tamaki's fathers, Pete and Topher. Pete looks perfect in the bar, Peaches decides, with his tattoos and long natural locks, all piled in upon his head, and worn Dr Martens. Topher looks like he's wandered into the wrong decade; he's slim and impeccably dressed in an expensive suit, with dark blonde hair that's been parted and styled to perfection, almost like someone from The Great Gatsby.
      It's around ten p.m when Nana calls for champagne for everyone so he can make a toast. Peaches sits at the bar with Maki, Dora and Andrei, and everyone turns to look over to Nana.
      "I want to make a toast," he says, glancing to Maki. "To someone who improved my life so tremendously, I didn't think it was possible; to someone who has always been by my side, even when he was annoyed at me." Chuckles echo through the room, while Maki rolls his eyes. "Maki, you used to frighten me." More laughter. "Ever since you walked into the bar, looking like you'd crawled out of a well, I was terrified. And when I first looked at your face and felt immediately drawn to you, I was even more scared, but for different reasons. I didn't realise then what I was feeling, because, let's face it, I'm pretty stupid."
     "You're telling me," Maki says, loud enough so everyone can hear.
     Nana smiles at him. "Yeah, I admit it. I made some very questionable decisions. But each one has led me to you, so for that, I don't even regret them."  
     A long "Aww" sounds from the room, and Maki rolls his eyes, obviously blushing.
    "You're so sappy," he says with a beam.
      Peaches can feel himself growing a little emotional, as he watches tears stream down Panda's face.
     Nana rounds off his speech, and Maki embraces him as everyone cheers, and suddenly Ichi is at Panda's side, whispering in his ear. Peaches watches Nana nod at them.
     "Okay, Peaches, we need to go," Panda says, still wiping tears from his cheeks.
     They head out the back door and get into Ichiro's car, Dora sliding in next to Peaches.
     "Where are we going?"
      Ichiro speaks first. "I'll be dropping you guys back at Panda's, and I'll be picking up the rental car."
      Peaches glances at Dora who just stares out the window at the passing streets.
      Panda claps excitedly. "We're going to Scotland!"
       Ichiro explains that he slept all day so that he could drive them all to Gretna Green. They would arrive at around four in the morning, where they would all check into the hotel because Maki and Nana would marry in the afternoon.
      They're eloping.
      Half an hour later, Nana and Maki are piling into the rented SEAT Alhambra, the boot full of overnight bags. Panda sits with Ichiro in the front, with Peaches, Dora and Andrei in the back row, and Maki and Nana in the middle.
    Ichiro turns to make sure everyone has their seatbelts on and takes a deep breath.
     "You ready?" he says, looking at Nana and Maki.
     Maki smiles. "Let's do this!"


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